3 Poems About Autism To Support You

Autism is becoming much more well-known these days, as more and more people are diagnosed with it. There is nothing like the stigma attached to it as there used to be, and it is becoming far easier to be able to talk about it. There are a great many studies, methods to help people, and avenues of support that are becoming more widely available – but have you ever read any of the many poems about autism? Well, you really should! Whether you yourself are autistic, or you have a newly-diagnosed friend or family member, you can find some great solace in poetry.

The written word can be a very powerful thing, and it can be a great way to gain a deeper understanding about a subject that is written. Reading poetry about autism is a great way to deepen your understanding of the condition – and it can make those with a diagnosis feel less isolated and alone. It can also be very inspirational to read poetry written by someone who actually has autism; this will help to explain how a person thinks and how autism affects them, in a format that is easy to read and follow. Poetry and writing in the mainstream media, in bookshops or on social media can help to deepen people’s understanding as well as acceptance – which is vital for living in a world where no one is ostracized for being “different” – after all, we are ALL different to one another!

Poems about autism, whether you are reading them for yourself or providing information for someone else, can be a great way to better understand the condition – and the person, whether that person is you yourself or someone you know. We are all completely different in the ways that we think and act, and understanding other people is a step in the right direction towards acceptance.

Poems About Autism

Poems About Autism

An Autistic Child

Author: L. Kurdian

In a world that whispers soft and clear,
He hears the hum, the buzz, the gear.
A melody the rest can't find,
In the corners of his brilliant mind.
The colors swirl in vivid streams,
His thoughts like stars, like dancing dreams.
Where others speak, he paints with light,
A quiet soul in boundless flight.
The words may stumble, twist, and fall,
But in his silence, he holds it all—
A universe, a cosmic spin,
The beauty that he keeps within.
Not broken, strange, or out of place,
Just moving at a different pace.
A spark, a flame, a gentle tide—
An endless wonder deep inside.
So watch him soar beyond the sky,
An autistic child with wings to fly.
His heart beats strong, his spirit free,
A radiant star for all to see.

Awareness Blooms

Author: L. Kurdian

A bridge of understanding grows,
Where once the world kept shuttered doors.
Autism whispers, sings, and shows—
A spectrum bright with countless shores.
Each voice unique, a note so pure,
A rhythm dancing, still unsure.
Not broken, lost, or far away,
But shining in a different way.
Awareness blooms in open hearts,
When we embrace the many parts—
The hands that flap, the gaze that strays,
The quiet strength in quiet days.
For difference isn't to be feared,
It brings new colors, sights, and sounds.
When we reach out, when love is near,
The beauty in each soul abounds.
So let us learn, let kindness lead,
In every action, word, and deed.
Autism speaks in its own voice,
And we can listen, we can rejoice.

Love in Every Hue

Author: L. Kurdian

Love speaks softly, in its way,
Through gentle touch, through bright display.
It doesn’t fit in perfect lines,
But dances in the stars, the signs.
A love that flaps its hands with glee,
That twirls in circles, wild and free.
A love that sees the world anew,
In every shade, in every hue.
It finds the magic in the small,
A flicker, shadow, subtle call.
A quiet room, a quiet space,
Where love can flourish, find its place.
No need for words that others seek—
This love is vast, though soft, though meek.
It’s woven deep in every glance,
In every rhythmic, steady dance.
For love in autism knows no bounds,
It lives in textures, sights, and sounds.
And though it’s shaped in ways unique,
Its truth is simple, pure, complete.
So hold this love, and hold it tight,
In every moment, day and night.
For love is love, no less, no more—
An endless ocean, boundless shore.

Still looking for more? Check out these poems about anorexia.

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