5 Poems About Friendship To Celebrate Good Friends

Some people say that friends are the family we choose ourselves, and if you have good friends then this certainly seems like the case. Friends can help lift us up when we are down, and they are often there for us during the best – and worst – times of our lives. Poems about friendship make a great little thoughtful gift for the special people in your life too, just saying!

It’s always fun to show friends how much we care, and celebrating your relationship through poetry is a lovely way of doing so. Why not read these writings together?

Poetry can be read aloud, or enjoyed in your head, or printed out and stuck all over the house as an aide to remembering the words that can inspire you. Reading poems about friendship may help you to appreciate your own friends even more – or it can show you that the friends you thought you had are not as great as they make out.

Whatever reasons you have for reading this list, we hope you find it heartwarming and inspirational – and if you find one that really resonates with you, why not share it with your best friend too?

Poems About Friendship

Poems About Friendship

Friendship and Love

Author: C. Jennings

Friendship and love, oh how they intertwine,
Two hearts that beat as one, intertwined fine.
Through laughter and tears, through joy and through pain,
Our bond remains strong, through sunshine and rain.
We stand by each other, through thick and through thin,
Our love is unyielding, it will never give in.
We laugh and we joke, and share secrets and dreams,
Our friendship is strong, it gleams and it beams.
We lift each other up, when one of us falls,
We stand by each other, through it all.
So here's to our friendship, a bond that is true,
A love that will last, forever and through.

For Kids

Author: A. Shah

Friendship is special, a bond like no other,
It's a feeling of love, that can't be smothered.
It's a hand to hold, when you're feeling low,
A shoulder to lean on, when you need to let go.
It's a laugh and a smile, a joke and a giggle,
It's a bond that is strong, it's a bond that is niggle.
So cherish your friends, hold them dear to your heart,
For they'll be with you, right from the start.
Through the good times and bad, through the highs and the lows,
They'll stand by your side, wherever you go.
So here's to friendship, a bond that is true,
A love that will last, forever and through.


Author: K. Nolan

Friendship and support, oh how they go hand in hand,
Two hearts that beat as one, a bond that is grand.
When one is in need, the other is there,
Offering a helping hand, a shoulder to bear.
Through laughter and tears, through joy and through pain,
Our bond remains strong, through sunshine and rain.
We stand by each other, through thick and through thin,
Our love is unyielding, it will never give in.
We lift each other up, when one of us falls,
We stand by each other, through it all.
So here's to our friendship, a bond that is true,
A love that will last, forever and through.
For with friendship and support, we can conquer it all,
Together we stand, tall and proud and gall.

Turning Into Love

Author: A. Ramos

Our friendship, it blossomed, from seed to a rose,
A bond that was strong, from the start it arose.
We laughed and we joked, and shared secrets and dreams,
Our hearts, they were open, they gleamed and they beams.
But as time passed by, our feelings grew stronger,
A love that was pure, it couldn't be longer.
Our friendship, it deepened, into love that is true,
A bond that will last, forever and through.
We stand by each other, through thick and through thin,
Our love is unyielding, it will never give in.
So here's to our love, a bond that is true,
A friendship that turned, into something brand new.


Author: T. Vega

There once was a friendship so true,
That even death couldn't undo,
Through thick and through thin,
It remained within,
A bond that was strong, it grew.
But when one of them passed away,
The other was left to mourn and to pray,
For a love that was true,
A friendship that grew,
A bond that was strong, every day.
Yet even in death, their love remained,
A bond that was strong, forever sustained,
For even in death,
Their friendship was left,
A love that will never wane.

Looking for more short, great poems? Check out these about new relationship.

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